2023-2024 Paintings

2023-2024 Contemporary Art

Dinner plates made of resin and compost

Video piece on cooking tagine

my memories are a place

to me the idea of place is more about memories than it is about a physical space. I find memories more important and more of a place than physical places. These physical places can change, they can feel unfamiliar as time passes, feel as though it is a completely new place, with teh connection gone. Memories, to me don't change, they feel familiar and they are a place that is so central in my life. documenting memories though photography, or collecting items from my travels or ones given to me are far more important than the place these items came from. i may never return to these places or they may change in my abscene, but these mempries and items will always remain. and this archive is a reminder of comfort and time passing, and the acceptence of more to come in new places. 


Concordia University 2021-2022


Branksome Hall Spirit Week 2020/2021