About Me
Samantha Moffatt-Sanz is a mixed-media visual artist originally from Toronto, Tkaronto, who currently resides in Montreal, Tiohtià:ke. She is a third-year undergraduate student at Concordia University who actively pursues her artistic career alongside her Art History and Studio Arts double major. Her work is a mix of film and digital photography, mixed-media paintings, and 3-dimensional works, that range from representational and realistic to abstract and emotional. Her work has been featured in various art competitions in Toronto and Montreal and published in the Branksome Hall Arts and Literary Magazine: Perennial. Alongside her educational and artistic pursuits, Samantha is an active member of the arts communities in Toronto and Montreal. Having been a volunteer at the Luminato Festival of Arts in Toronto, working with Caldwell Securities Ltd., the Junior and Senior Arts editor of Perennial, a Juror for Concordia’s VAV Gallery, a member of the Board of Directors for the 2022-23 Art Matters Festival, a Radio DJ and show host at CJLO 1690AM, and most recently the VP of Events for Concordi’art.
Exhibitions and Published Works
September 2024
Published Writing; SAAG 2024 Arts Writing Reader, Southern Alberta Art Gallery Maansiksikaitsitapiitsinikssin, Lethbridge, Alberta
Curatorial writing piece submitted for the SAGG 2024 Arts Writing Prize was published in the Writing Prize Reader. Published work is a review of the Indigenous Voices of Today; Knowledge, Trauma, Resilience at the McCord Steward Museum in Montreal.
December 2023
Artist Feature; Concordi’Art Instagram, Concordia University
Featured as one of the Friday features on the Concordi’Art Instagram. The feature included photographs and writing about the work. Concordi’Art is a career guidance club that works to bridge the gap between art and business at Concordia. It aims to encourage awareness of the broad art industry for the Concordia community.
September 2023
Exhibited Two Prints and a Painting at the Federation of Ontario Cottagers Association 60th Anniversary Event in Peterborough, Ontario
Two film photography prints entitled High Falls Gorge and Whiteface from the Lake were displayed for purchase at the FOCA 60th anniversary event. The original painting Midnights in the Mountains was displayed for purchase at the FOCA 60th anniversary event.
September 2023
2023 Foley Agricultural Society’s Fall Fair
Two film photography prints entitled Mount Orford and Mount Orford Forest were featured in the fair’s auction. Both prints were donated to the Foley Agricultural Society.
December 2022
2022 Pierrefonds-Roxboro Art Contest Exhibition
One painting entitled Midnights in the Mountains was displayed in the Pierrefonds Library as part of the contest exhibition. The exhibition ran from December 2nd to December 18th.
May 2021
Branksome Hall Arts and Literary Magazine; Perennial
Three pieces published in the 2021 edition, online and in print. One digital artwork entitled “Self Portrait”, one painting entitled “Do you love me for me, or my body?”, and one drawing entitled “Slipping through my fingers”.
May 2020
Branksome Hall Arts and Literary Magazine; Perennial
Three photography pieces published in the 2020 edition in print. The film photography works are entitled “Summer” and “Home”. The digital work is titled “Gaze”.
April - May 2019
Finalist in the 2019 Youth Photography Contest. Photograph displayed in the Views from “Generation Z” exhibition. Contest and exhibit are both part of the Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival in Toronto.
Roles, Responsibilities and Experiences
December 2024
Holiday Market Fair; Career Advising & Professional Success, Concordia University
Selected out of a range of applicants, from students across faculties and local businesses and vendors, to sell items at the CAPS Holiday Market. Set up the table before the event, ran the table from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m., and took down the table after. Handled cash and e-transfer transactions, solved any complications or issues on the fly and engaged with attendees.
November 2024
Solo show juror, Gallerie VAV Gallery, Concordia University
Individually evaluated each application based on artistic merit, feasibility, clarity and affinity, giving scores out of 5 for each category. Met with the other jurors to collectively go through and discuss the applications, provide feedback, and select the top applicants. Submitted votes for the top three applicants, and then further went through their applications with the jury to provide more feedback and select the artist for the solo show.
September 2024 - May 2025
VP of Events; Concordi’ART, Concordia University
Selected out of various candidates to be the VP of Events for Concordi’ART for the 2024/25 academic year. Concordi’ART is a student-run club that connects Concordia art students from multiple disciplines and provides opportunities that foster connection, networking within and beyond the Concordia community, educational opportunities that allow for a deeper understanding of the various professions within the art industry, and opportunities for exhibitions and income. Contacted event spaces, researched costs of materials, catering and events, and aided other executives with the budget, planning and ideas for administrative work.
June 2023 - August 2023
Companion; YMCA Fine Arts Camp, Concordia University
Companion at the YMCA Concordia University Fine Arts Camp for the 7-week summer session. Worked one-on-one with various children to ensure their participation and enjoyment of the camp. Spent two weeks with one camper, and 4 weeks with another. Assisted counsellors in tailoring activities to the abilities of my campers, communicated with respective parents regarding their child’s day, changes that needed to be made, feedback, and general daily checkups to ensure their child was getting the most from their time at camp. Spent time before my camper’s attendance learning their background, their needs, wants, interests and unique qualities to ensure I was equipped daily with the tools to foster an inclusive and fun summer camp experience. Communicated with my superiors to ensure my needs and my camper’s needs were met. Additionally, spent time as a floating counsellor assisting where needed, aiding staff in changing programming to be more inclusive and supporting staff who needed specialized support for some campers.
March 2024
Event Volunteer; Art Matters Festival, Concordia University
One day event volunteer for an Art Matters Vernissage and Artist Talk. Aided the facilitator in last-minute setup tweaks, supervised the artworks during the vernissage, troubleshooting issues, aided artists when needed, supervised gallery space and artwork during the artist talk, and aided visitors with questions, directions and providing information on Art Matters.
December 2023
Holiday Market Fair; Career Advising & Professional Success, Concordia University
Selected out of a range of applicants, from students across faculties and local businesses and vendors, to sell items at the CAPS Holiday Market. Set up the table before the event, ran the table from 11 a.m.-3 p.m., and took down the table after. Handled cash and e-transfer transactions, solved any complications or issues on the fly and engaged with attendees.
September 2023
Summer of Love Art Market; Fine Arts Student Student Alliance, Concordia University
Selected out of a range of applicants, from students across faculties and local businesses and vendors, to sell items at the FASA Summer of Love Art Market. Set up before the event, ran the table from 12-4 p.m., and took down the table after. Handled cash and e-transfer transactions, solved any complications or issues on the fly and engaged with attendees.
April 2023 - Present
Radio DJ at CJLO 1690AM; Concordia University Community Radio
Radio DJ with a weekly show, “Hittin’ All the Bases”. Creating weekly hour-long sets, prepping notes, and information on the music, researching local open mic events, local musicians and DJs playing around the city and informing listeners. Creating weekly playlists documenting the artists, song titles, whether the music is newly released, Canadian music, Hits, instrumental etc. Keeping track of song durations and talk spot durations down to the seconds in the playlist. Following the ad schedule and playing the ads at required times throughout the show. Updating the show web page with the show recordings, including descriptions, times, and dates. Adhering to Canadian Radio Rules and Regulations for song selections, and talk spot sections.
October 2022 - October 2023
Member of The Board of Directors for the Art Matters Festival
Worked to ensure that Art Matters BoD fulfills its legal duties and obligations to the Art Matters Festival; fostering Art Matters’ vision, monitoring its performance, developing its policy, ensuring the organization fulfills its legal responsibilities, and ensuring it acts with loyalty, honesty, diligence, and care. Attending board meetings, passing motions, and selecting festival facilitators, curators and jury members. Going over budgets, suggesting changes, and assisting facilitators and coordinators wherever possible. Completing interviews with coordinators for the Volunteer Coordinator Position. Member of the Catalogue Launcg Committee, planning and sunning the Launch and Clothing sale with other board members and volunteers.
December 2022
Concordia Student Union X Faculty of Fine Arts Student Association Holiday Market
Selected out of a range of applicants, from students to local small businesses to sell work at the Holiday Market. Set up and ran the table alone for the day. Engaged with customers, completed transactions, and solved transaction and set-up issues on the fly.
October 2022
Juror for the 2022 Fall Programming at Gallerie VAV Gallery, at Concordia University
Jury member for Concordia’s VAV gallery fall 2022 programming. Individually went through each submission from the open call. Ranking them out of 5 based on personal affinity, feasibility to the project and/or individual works, clarity and coherence of the submission, and adherence to submission guidelines. From those ranks, designating an overall mark out of 5 to determine the successfulness of the work and its alignment with the VAV gallery’s mandate and anti-oppression values. Providing constructive comments and feedback to each applicant. A group meeting with all other jurors to discuss and collaboratively create a plan for the fall programming.
September 2020 - May 2021
Senior Arts Editor of the Branksome Hall Arts and Literary Magazine; Perennial
Collaborated with the Senior Writing Editor, Junior Arts Editor, and Communications Leader to plan and run team meetings virtually. Sourced submissions, contacted artists, ensured high-quality images and selected the final pieces for publication. Planned, designed and ordered team merchandise. Created the first publication draft and submitted it to the publisher. Collaborated with the other editors, leaders, team members and the publisher to revise each draft before sending the publication to print.
July 2020 - August 2020
Summer Media Internship at Caldwell Securities Ltd.
Created and edited videos of the Portfolio Manager discussing a fund for clients. Worked closely with the marketing team and altered the videos based on feedback and requirements. Populated the Caldwell Securities Ltd. Facebook page based on the existing LinkedIn page.
January 2020 - May 2020
Junior Arts Editor of the Branksome Hall Arts and Literary Magazine; Perennial
Assisted the Senior Editors in running team meetings, sourcing and photographing submissions. Created one section of the first draft and submitted it to the publisher. Worked with the Senior Editors and publisher to revise each draft before the publication was sent to print.
April 2019 - June 2019
Volunteer at the Luminato Festival of Arts in Toronto
Worked with other volunteers and exhibit managers to facilitate outdoor art exhibits. Interacted with the public to ensure the exhibits ran smoothly. Ensured the safety and proper condition of the exhibits.